Democrat Virginia Delegate Elizabeth Guzmán is introducing a bill that would allow the government to charge parents with a felony if they do not affirm their child's gender confusion in any way that the child wants. The bill would expand the state's definition of "Abused or neglected child" to include a child whose parent even threatens to inflict a "mental injury on the basis of the child's gender identity or sexual orientation."
This is, of course, yet another thing that "would never happen." I recently came across a post from just a year ago where noted Christian leaders mocked the concerns of conservative Christians raising precisely this possibility. I would bet even today, as many read this, some will be inclined to think, "No, something will happen to stop this, and it will never be."
To complicate matters, the fact is that what usually happens is that the first part of that sentiment may be valid for a little while. In other words, even though you are reading about Guzmán's bill now, it is not new. She's presented it before. Every time she presents it, it is closer to being passed. Guzmán would have been ostracized within her own party a few years ago. Today, she has their full support, and anyone opposing her stands on the fringes.
Why? Because most people thought "It would never happen." Then, as I hope you realize, it will inevitably pass, as the people who thought "It would never happen" wonder, "How did we get here?" Well, our silence allowed it. Our busy lives. Our apathy.
If you still think this will never happen, consider California just passed a bill (S.B. 107) they deemed their "Trans State of Refuge Bill" (on a strict party line— no Democrat voted against it), where they seek to promote children leaving their homes and states to pursue “gender-affirming care” in California if their home state or parents are not affirming enough. The bill even gives courts authority to declare jurisdiction in custody hearings when the child is receiving "gender-affirming care" in the "Golden State."
I want to say this calmly and thoughtfully, with zero emotional manipulation or hyperbole. As we stand today, Guzmán's bill (or something like it) will become law within the next few years. Religious and conservative parents will face the possibility of losing their children to the state because they are not affirming enough, and therefore, "inflicting emotional damage" on their children, according to the woke left.
How will it work, you ask? Guzmán has it all figured out. As she told 7News:
"If the child shares with those mandated reporters, what they are going through, we are talking about not only physical abuse or mental abuse, what the job of that mandated reporter is to inform Child Protective Services. And then that's how everybody gets involved. There's also an investigation in place that is not only from a social worker but there's also a police investigation before we make the decision that there is going to be a CPS charge."
Some parents are waking up, but the pushback is not nearly enough. In this coming election, parents need to rise like never before and send a clear message that we will fight for our kids. The time is now when the idea is being just floated about. It will be too late when children are taken away, and parents are charged with felonies. The media manipulation will also paint parents as monsters, so we won't even know the truth about these cases. We must stand up and tell the government to stay away from our kids.
This November, vote like your kids' future is at stake because, in a very real sense, it is.